Build config: dependencies

The config parameter dependencies is a dict with configurations of external non-system dependencies. General description of external dependencies is here.

Each such a dependency can have own unique name and parameters:


A path to the root of the dependency project. It should be path to directory with the build script of the dependency project. This path can be relative to the startdir or absolute.


A dict with descriptions of targets of the dependency project. Each target has reference name which can be in use in format dependency-name:target-reference-name and parameters:


A path with the current target file. Usually it’s some build directory. This path can be relative to the startdir or absolute.


It’s type of the target file. This type has effects to the link of the build tasks and some other things. Supported types:

stlib:The target file is a static library.
shlib:The target file is a shared library.
program:The target file is an executable file.
file:The target file is any file.

It is a base name of the target file which is used for detecting of resulting target file name depending on destination operation system, selected toolchain, value of type, etc.

If it’s not set the target reference name is used.


It’s a version number for the target file if it is a shared library. It can have effect on resulting target file name.


It’s a real file name of the target. Usually it’s detected by ZenMake from other parameters but you can set it manually but it’s not recommended until you really need it. If parameter type is equal to file the value of this parameter is always equal to value of parameter name by default.

Example in Python format for non-ZenMake dependency:

'targets': {
    # 'shared-lib' and 'static-lib' are target reference names
    'shared-lib' : {
        'dir' : '../foo-lib/_build_/debug',
        'type': 'shlib',
        'name': 'fooutil',
    'static-lib' : {
        'dir' : '../foo-lib/_build_/debug',
        'type': 'stlib',
        'name': 'fooutil',


A list of paths with ‘includes’ for C/C++/D/Fortran compilers to export from the dependency project for all build tasks which depend on the current dependency. Paths should be relative to the startdir or absolute but last variant is not recommended.

If paths contain spaces and all these paths are listed in one string then each such a path must be in quotes.


A dict with descriptions of rules to produce targets files of dependency. Each rule has own reserved name and parameters to run. The rule names that allowed to use are: configure, build, test, clean, install, uninstall.

The parameters for each rule can a string with a command line to run or a dict with attributes:


A command line to run. It can be any suitable command line.


A working directory where to run cmd. By default it’s the rootdir. This path can be relative to the startdir or absolute.


Environment variables for cmd. It’s a dict where each key is a name of variable and value is a value of env variable.


A timeout for cmd in seconds. By default there is no timeout.


If shell is True, the specified command will be executed through the shell. By default it is False. In some cases it can be set to True by ZenMake even though you set it to False.


A dict that describes conditions to run the rule. If any configured trigger returns True then the rule will be run. You can configure one or more triggers for each rule. ZenMake supports the following types of trigger:


If it’s True then the rule will be run always. If it’s False and no other triggers then the rule will not be run automatically.


This trigger returns True only if configured paths are exist on a file system. You can set paths as a string, list of strings or as a dict like for config task parameter source.

Examples in Python format:

'trigger': {
    'paths-exist' : '/etc/fstab',

'trigger': {
    'paths-exist' : ['/etc/fstab', '/tmp/somefile'],

'trigger': {
    'paths-exist' : dict(
        startdir = ../foo-lib,
        include = '**/*.label',

This trigger is the same as paths-exist but return True if configured paths are not exist.


This trigger returns True only if all configured environment variables are exist and equal to configured values. Format is simple: it’s a dict where each key is a name of variable and value is a value of environment variable.


If it is True this trigger return True only if any of target files for current dependency doesn’t exist. It can be useful to detect the need to run ‘build’ rule. This trigger can not be used in ZenMake command ‘configure’.


This trigger is a custom python function that must return True or False. This function gets the following parameters as arguments:

zmcmd:It’s a name of the current ZenMake command that has been used to run the rule.
targets:A list of configured/detected targets. It’s can be None if rule has been run from command ‘configure’.

It’s better to use **kwargs in this function because some new parameters can be added in the future.

This trigger can not be used in YAML buildconf file.


For any non-ZenMake dependency there are following default triggers for rules:

configure: { ‘always’ : True }

build: { ‘no-targets’ : True }

Any other rule: { ‘always’ : False }


You can use command line option -E/--force-edeps to run rules for external dependencies without checking triggers.


A list with names of ZenMake commands in which selected rule will be run. By default each rule can be run in the ZenMake command with the same name only. For example, rule ‘configure’ by default can be run with the command ‘configure’ and rule ‘build’ with the command ‘build’, etc. But here you can set up a different behavior.


This parameter is used only for external dependencies which are other ZenMake projects. By default ZenMake uses value of current buildtype for all such dependencies to run rules but in some cases names of buildtype can be not matched. For example, current project can have buildtypes debug and release but project from dependency can have buildtypes dbg and rls. In this case you can use this parameter to set up the map of these buildtype names.

Example in Python format:

buildtypes-map: {
    'debug' : 'dbg',
    'release' : 'rls',

Some examples can be found in the directory ‘external-deps’ in the repository here.