Build config

ZenMake uses build configuration file with name or buildconf.yaml/buildconf.yml. First variant is a regular python file and second one is an YAML file. ZenMake doesn’t use both files in one directory at the same time. If both files exist in one directory then only will be used. Common name buildconf is used in this manual.

The format for both config files is the same. YAML variant is a little more readable but in python variant you can add a custom python code if you wish.

Simplified scheme of buildconf is:

startdir = path
buildroot = path
realbuildroot = path
project = { ... }
general = { ... }
cliopts = { ... }
conditions = { ... }
tasks = { name: task parameters }
buildtypes = { name: task parameters }
toolchains = { name: parameters }
byfilter = [ { for: {...}, set: task parameters }, ... ]
subdirs = []
edeps = { ... }

Also see syntactic sugar.

Where symbols ‘{}’ mean an associative array/dictionary and symbols ‘[]’ mean a list. In python notation ‘{}’ is known as dictionary. In some other languages it’s called an associative array including YAML (Of course YAML is not programming language but it’s markup language). For shortness it’s called a dict here.

Not all variables are required in the scheme above but buildconf cannot be empty. All variables have reserved names and they all are described here. Other names in buildconf are just ignored by ZenMake (excluding substitution variables) if present and it means they can be used for some custom purposes.


About paths in general.

You can use native paths but it’s recommended to use wherever possible POSIX paths (Symbol / is used as a separator in a path). With POSIX paths you will ensure the same paths on different platforms/operating systems. POSIX paths will be converted into native paths automatically, but not vice versa. For example, path ‘my/path’ will be converted into ‘my\path’ on Windows. Also it’s recommended to use relative paths wherever possible.


Windows only: do NOT use short filename notation (8.3 filename) for paths in buildconf files. It can cause unexpected errors.

Below is the detailed description of each buildconf variable.


A start path for all paths in a buildconf. It is . by default. The path can be absolute or relative to directory where current buildconf file is located. It means that by default all other relative paths in the current buildconf file are considered as the paths relative to directory with the current buildconf file. But you can change this by setting a different value to this variable.


A path to the root of a project build directory. By default it is directory ‘build’ in the directory with the top-level buildconf file of the project. Path can be absolute or relative to the startdir. It is important to be able to remove the build directory safely, so it should never be given as . or ...


If you change value of buildroot with already using/existing build directory then ZenMake will not touch previous build directory. You can remove previous build directory manually or run command distclean before changing of buildroot. ZenMake cannot do it because it stores all meta information in current build directory and if you change this directory it will lose all such an information.

This can be changed in the future by storing extra information in some other place like user home directory but now it is.


A path to the real root of a project build directory and by default it is equal to value of buildroot. It is optional parameter and if realbuildroot has different value from buildroot then buildroot will be symlink to realbuildroot. Using realbuildroot makes sense mostly on linux where ‘/tmp’ is usually on tmpfs filesystem nowadays and it can used to make building in memory. Such a way can improve speed of building. Note that on Windows OS the process of ZenMake needs to be started with enabled “Create symbolic links” privilege and usual user doesn’t have a such privilege. Path can be absolute or relative to the startdir. It is important to be able to remove the build directory safely, so it should never be given as . or ...


A dict with some parameters for the project. Supported values:


The name of the project. It’s name of the top-level startdir directory by default.


The version of the project. It’s empty by default. It’s used as default value for ver-num field if not empty.


A dict array with some general features. Supported values:


Execute the command configure automatically in the command build if it’s necessary. It’s True by default. Usually you don’t need to change this value.


Set extra file paths to check changes in them. You can use additional files with your buildconf file(s). For example it can be extra python module with some tools. But in this case ZenMake doesn’t know about such files when it checks buildconf file(s) for changes to detect if it must call command configure for feature autoconfig. You can add such files to this variable and ZenMake will check them for changes as it does so for regular buildconf file(s).

If paths contain spaces and all these paths are listed in one string then each such a path must be in quotes.


Set hash algorithm to use in ZenMake. It can be sha1 or md5. By default ZenMake uses sha1 algorithm to control changes of config/built files and for some other things. Sha1 has much less collisions than md5 and that’s why it’s used by default. Modern CPUs often has support for this algorithm and sha1 show better or almost the same performance than md5 in this cases. But in some cases md5 can be faster and you can set here this variant. However, don’t expect big difference in performance of ZenMake. Also, if a rare “FIPS compliant” build of Python is used it’s always sha1 anyway.


Set format for internal ZenMake db/cache files. Use one of possible values: py, pickle, msgpack.

The value py means text file with python syntax. It is not fastest format but it is human readable one.

The value pickle means python pickle binary format. It has good performance and python always supports this format.

The value msgpack means msgpack binary format by using python module msgpack. Using of this format can decrease ZenMake overhead in building of some big projects because it has the best performance among all supported formats. If the package msgpack doesn’t exist in the current system then the pickle value will be used. Note: ZenMake doesn’t try to install package msgpack. This package must be installed in some other way.

The default value is pickle.


Provide target files of external dependencies in the buildroot directory. It is useful to run built files from the build directory without the need to use such a thing as LD_LIBRARY_PATH for each dependency. Only existing and used target files are provided. Static libraries are also ignored because they are not needed to run built files. On Windows ZenMake copies these files while on other OS (Linux, MacOS, etc) it makes symlinks.

It’s False by default.


Set a name of work directory which is used mostly for object files during compilation. This directory seperates resulting target files from other files in a buildtype directory to avoid file/directory conflicts. Usually you don’t need to set this parameter until some target name has conflict with default value of this parameter.

The default value is @bld.


A dict array with default values for command line options. It can be any existing command line option that ZenMake has. If you want to set an option for selected commands then you can set it in the format of a dict where key is a name of specific command or special value ‘any’ which means any command. If some command doesn’t have selected option then it will be ignored.

Example in YAML format:

  verbose: 1
  jobs : { build : 4 }
  progress :
    any: false
    build: true


Selected command here is a command that is used on command line. It means if you set an option for the build command and zenmake calls the configure command before this command by itself then this option will be applied for both configure and build commands. In other words it is like you are running this command with this option on command line.


A dict with conditions for selectable parameters.


A dict with build tasks. Each task has own unique name and parameters. Name of task can be used as dependency id for other build tasks. Also this name is used as a base for resulting target file name if parameter target is not set in task parameters. In this variable you can set up build parameters particularly for each build task. Example in YAML format:

  mylib :
    # some task parameters
  myexe :
    # some task parameters
    use : mylib


Parameters in this variable can be overridden by parameters in buildtypes and/or byfilter.


Name of a task cannot contain symbol :. You can use parameter target if you want to have this symbol in resulting target file names.


A dict with build types like debug, release, debug-gcc and so on. Here is also a special value with name default that is used to set default build type if nothing is specified. Names of these build types are just names, they can be any name but not default. Also you should remember that these names are used as directory names. So don’t use incorrect symbols if you don’t want a problem with it.

This variable can be empty or absent. In this case current buildtype is always just an empty string.

Possible parameters for each build type are described in task parameters.

Special value default must be a string with the name of one of the build types or a dict where keys are supported name of the host operating system and values are strings with the names of one of the build types. Special key ‘_’ or ‘no-match’ can be used in the default to define a value that will be used if the name of the current host operating system is not found among the keys in the default.

Valid host operating system names: linux, windows, darwin, freebsd, openbsd, sunos, cygwin, msys, riscos, atheos, os2, os2emx, hp-ux, hpux, aix, irix.


Only linux, windows and darwin are tested.

Examples in YAML format:

  debug        : { toolchain: auto-c++ }
  debug-gcc    : { toolchain: g++, cxxflags: -fPIC -O0 -g }
  release-gcc  : { toolchain: g++, cxxflags: -fPIC -O2 }
  debug-clang  : { toolchain: clang++, cxxflags: -fPIC -O0 -g }
  release-clang: { toolchain: clang++, cxxflags: -fPIC -O2 }
  debug-msvc   : { toolchain: msvc, cxxflags: /Od /EHsc }
  release-msvc : { toolchain: msvc, cxxflags: /O2 /EHsc }
  default: debug

      default: g++
      darwin: clang++
      windows: msvc
      default : -O0 -g
      msvc    : /Od /EHsc
      default: g++
      darwin: clang++
      windows: msvc
      default : -O2
      msvc    : /O2 /EHsc
  default: debug

  debug-gcc    : { cxxflags: -O0 -g }
  release-gcc  : { cxxflags: -O2 }
  debug-clang  : { cxxflags: -O0 -g }
  release-clang: { cxxflags: -O2 }
  debug-msvc   : { cxxflags: /Od /EHsc }
  release-msvc : { cxxflags: /O2 /EHsc }
    _: debug-gcc
    linux: debug-gcc
    darwin: debug-clang
    windows: debug-msvc


Parameters in this variable override corresponding parameters in tasks and can be overridden by parameters in byfilter.


A dict with custom toolchain setups. It’s useful for simple cross builds for example, or for custom settings for existing toolchains. Each value has unique name and parameters. Parameters are also dict with names of environment variables and special name kind that is used to specify the type of toolchain/compiler. Environment variables are usually such variables as CC, CXX, AR, etc that are used to specify name or path to existing toolchain/compiler. Path can be absolute or relative to the startdir. Also such variables as CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, etc can be set here.

Names of toolchains from this parameter can be used as a value for the toolchain in task parameters.

Example in YAML format:

    kind : auto-c++
    CXX  : custom-toolchain/gccemu/g++
    AR   : custom-toolchain/gccemu/ar
    kind : clang++
    CXX  : custom-toolchain/clangemu/clang++
    AR   : custom-toolchain/clangemu/llvm-ar
    LINKFLAGS : -Wl,--as-needed


This variable describes extra/alternative way to set up build tasks. It’s a list of dicts with attributes set and for, not-for and/or if. Attributes for/not-for/if describe conditions for parameters in attribute set, that is, a filter to set some build task parameters. The attribute for is like a if a and the attribute not-for is like a if not b where a and b are some conditions. And they are like a if a and if not b when both of them exist in the same item. The attribute not-for has higher priority in the case of the same condition in the both of them.

Since v0.11 ZenMake supports if attribute where you can set a string with python like expression.

The for/not-for are dicts and if is an expression. In for/not-for/if you can use such variables as dict keys in for/not-for and as keywords within an expression:


Build task name or list of build task names. It can be existing task(s) from tasks or new (only in for).


Build type or list of build types. It can be existing build type(s) from buildtypes or new (only in for).


Name of a host platform/operating system or list of them. Valid values are the same as for default in buildtypes.

The if is a real python expression with some builtin functions. You can use standard python operators as ‘(’, ‘)’, ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘not’, ‘==’, ‘!=’ and ‘in’. ZenMake supports a little set of extensions as well:




The same as python ‘True’.


The same as python ‘False’.

startswith(str, prefix)

Returns true if ‘str’ starts with the specified ‘prefix’.

endswith(str, prefix)

Returns true if ‘str’ ends with the specified ‘suffix’.

The attribute set has value of the task parameters.

Other features:

  • If some key parameter is not specified in for/not-for/if it means that this is for all possible values of this kind of condition. For example if it has no task it means ‘for all existing tasks’. Special word all (without any other parameters) can be used to indicate that current item must be applied to all build tasks. Empty dict (i.e. {}) in for/not-for can be used for the same reason as well.

  • Variable ‘byfilter’ overrides all matched values defined in tasks and buildtypes.

  • Items in set with the same names and the same conditions in for/not-for/if override items defined before.

  • If for/not-for and if are used for the same set then result will be the intersection of resulting sets from for/not-for and if.

  • When set is empty or not defined it does nothing.


ZenMake applies every item in the byfilter in the order as they were written.

It’s possible to use byfilter without tasks and buildtypes.

Example in YAML format:


debug-gcc    : { cxxflags: $GCC_BASE_CXXFLAGS -O0 -g }
release-gcc  : { cxxflags: $GCC_BASE_CXXFLAGS -O2 }
debug-clang  : { cxxflags: $GCC_BASE_CXXFLAGS -O0 -g }
release-clang: { cxxflags: $GCC_BASE_CXXFLAGS -O2 }
debug-msvc   : { cxxflags: /Od /EHsc }
release-msvc : { cxxflags: /O2 /EHsc }
  _: debug-gcc
  linux: debug-gcc
  darwin: debug-clang
  windows: debug-msvc

  - for: all
    set: { includes: '.', rpath : '.', }

  - for: { task: shlib shlibmain }
    set: { features: cxxshlib }

  - for: { buildtype: debug-gcc release-gcc, platform: linux }
      toolchain: g++
      linkflags: -Wl,--as-needed

  - for: { buildtype: release-gcc }
    not-for : { platform : windows }
    set: { cxxflags: -fPIC -O3 }

  - for: { buildtype: [debug-clang, release-clang], platform: linux darwin }
    set: { toolchain: clang++ }

  - if: endswith(buildtype, '-gcc') and platform == 'linux'
      toolchain: g++
      linkflags: -Wl,--as-needed

  - if: buildtype == 'release-gcc' and platform == 'linux'
      cxxflags: $GCC_BASE_CXXFLAGS -O3

  - if: endswith(buildtype, '-clang') and platform in ('linux', 'darwin')
      toolchain: clang++

  - if: endswith(buildtype, '-msvc') and platform == 'windows'
      toolchain: msvc


Parameters in this variable override corresponding parameters in tasks and in buildtypes.


This variable controls including buildconf files from other sub directories of the project.

  • If it is list of paths then ZenMake will try to use this list as paths to sub directories with the buildconf files and will use all found ones. Paths can be absolute or relative to the startdir.

  • If it is an empty list or just absent at all then ZenMake will not try to use any sub directories of the project to find buildconf files.

Example in Python format:

subdirs = [

Example in YAML format:

    - libs/core
    - libs/engine
    - main

See some details here.


A dict with configurations of external non-system dependencies. Each such a dependency has own unique name which can be used in task parameter use.

See full description of parameters here. Description of external dependencies is here.


More examples of buildconf files can be found in repository here.