
ZenMake supports building and running tests. It has no special support for particular testing framework/library but it can be any testing framework/library.

To set up a test you need to specify task feature test in buildconf file. Then you have a choice:

  • If selected task has feature *program then you may not need to do anything more. ZenMake wil try to build/run this task as test as is. But you can specify task parameter run to set up additional arguments.

  • If selected task has no feature *program and has no run but has *stlib/*shlib then this task is considered as a task with test but ZenMake will not try to run this task as a test. It’s useful for creation of separated libraries for tests only.

  • Specify task parameter run.

Tests are always built only on build stage and run only on test stage. Order of buiding and running test tasks is controlled by their depedencies as for just build tasks. So it’s possible to use task parameter use to control order of running of tests.

Example of test tasks in YAML format:

    features : cxxprogram test'
    source   : tests/test_stlib.cpp
    # testcmn here is some library with common code for tests
    use      : stlib testcmn

test from script:
    features: test
        cmd  : python tests/test.py
        cwd  : .
        shell: false
    use: complex
    configure: [ { do: find-program, names: python } ]

# testcmn is a library with common code for tests only
    features: cxxshlib test
    source  : tests/common.cpp
    includes: .

    features: cxxprogram test
    source  : tests/test_shlib.cpp
    use     : shlib testcmn
        cmd     : '$(tgt) a b c'
        env     : { AZ : '111', BROKEN_TEST : 'false' }
        repeat  : 2
        timeout : 10 # in seconds
        shell   : false

    features: cxxprogram test
    source  : tests/test_shlibmain.cpp
    use     : shlibmain testcmn

Example of test tasks in python format:

'stlib-test' : {
    'features' : 'cxxprogram test',
    'source'   : 'tests/test_stlib.cpp',
    # testcmn here is some library with common code for tests
    'use'      : 'stlib testcmn',

'test from script' : {
    'features' : 'test',
    'run'      : {
        'cmd'     : 'python tests/test.py',
        'cwd'     : '.',
        'shell'   : False,
    'use'       : 'complex',
    'configure' : [ dict(do = 'find-program', names = 'python'), ]
# testcmn is a library with common code for tests only
'testcmn' : {
    'features' : 'cxxshlib test',
    'source'   :  'tests/common.cpp',
    'includes' : '.',
'shlib-test' : {
    'features'    : 'cxxprogram test',
    'source'      : 'tests/test_shlib.cpp',
    'use'         : 'shlib testcmn',
    'run'      : {
        'cmd'     : '$(tgt) a b c',
        'env'     : { 'AZ' : '111', 'BROKEN_TEST' : 'false'},
        'repeat'  : 2,
        'timeout' : 10, # in seconds
        'shell'   : False,
'shlibmain-test' : {
    'features'    : 'cxxprogram test',
    'source'      : 'tests/test_shlibmain.cpp',
    'use'         : 'shlibmain testcmn',

Use can build and/or run tests with command test. You can do it with command build as well but build doesn’t do it by default, only if some command line arguments are used.

To build and run all tests with command test:

zenmake test

The same action with command build:

zenmake build -t yes -T all

To build but not run tests with command test:

zenmake test -T none

You can run all tests but also you can run tests only on changes. For this you can use --run-tests with value on-changes:

zenmake test -T on-changes

To specify additional command line arguments for all compiled testing executables you can use --:

zenmake test -- -vs

Everything after -- is considered as extra command line arguments for executable target files.