Short answer: because I could and wanted.
Long answer is below.
Cool. One more "new" build system...
Yes, I know, we already have a lot of them. I decided to create this project because I couldn’t find a build tool for Linux which is quick and easy to use, flexible, ready to use, with declarative configuration, without the need to learn one more special language and suitable for my needs. I know about lots of build systems and I have tried some of them.
Well, a little story of the project. In 2010 year I developed a build system in a company where I was working that time. It was a build system based on Waf and it was used successfully for linux projects several years. But that system had a lot of internal problems and I wanted to remake it from scratch. And in 2013 year I tried to begin a new project. But I had no time to develop it at that time. Then, in 2019 year I decided to make some own opensorce project and was selecting a build system for my project. I was considering only opensource cross-platform build systems that can build C/C++ projects on GNU/Linux. Firstly I tried CMake, then Meson and Waf. Also I was looking at some other build systems like Bazel. Eventually, I concluded that I had to try to make my own build tool.
I would do it mostly for myself, but I would be glad if my tool was useful for others.